Saturday, March 18, 2006

H & R Block Scam

If you've gotten anything in the mail pertaining to a settlement by H & R Block with certain states over charges they made to tax clients, this is really something you need to read--because right now there are plenty of scam artists looking to steal your identity and though it seems like a common sense thing to avoid, many people still get taken in.

To familiarize you with what's going on, H & R Block settled a lawsuit with a number of states that sued over charges the tax-filing company made to clients. Basically people allegedly got ripped off on the filing fees, and rather than go to court H & R Block settled.

Which, by the way, reeks of guilt because a company of their size and resources can and should fight for their good name if they're innocent. Sometimes money isn't an issue; it's the principle of maintaining your good reputation against erroneous or false charges. But I'm getting away from the point and I have to be somewhere shortly so I'll get right to it.

You may have gotten something in the mail that looks a lot like this.

If you have, you'll notice the portion that looks like this, where they ask you to write down your Social Security number.

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Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!! I know it seems like a no-brainer, but as I said there are people who don't know any better so this is why I'm warning you all now.

The red-flag that should set off all your internal alarms is the fact that they're even asking for your Social Security number in the first place. For one thing, any mailing pertaining to this settlement would come from a state that participated in the lawsuit, and it would arrive on an official state letterhead. For another, there is no fucking way the state will ask you for your Social Security number, because they already have it on file from whenever you file your taxes.

So this is a scam, folks, one designed to steal your identity. And you definitely do not want to get taken. If you've gotten something like this, throw it out or better yet, contact your local authorities and give it to them for evidence. Because these fuckers who steal people's identities need to be caught, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned.

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